Research Master

#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701МЕТResearch methodology2 
2701ERM Experimental methodology2 
3701NCBPhysiology of crop adaptation3 
4701EPMSustainable soil management3 
2. Major courses39
1702POESmart agriculture 3
2702WIEEcological crop rotation system and agrotechnology 3
3702GISIrrigated agriculture technique and technology 3
4702RMNSoil biology and ecology 3
5702PRMSoil agrophysics 3
6702CCAPlant fertilization system 3
7702REEAgroclimate 3
8702DEEAgrobiochemistry 3
9702EBTAdvanced Biotechnology 3
10702ERSAdvanced plant breeding technology 3
11702BGCAdvanced crop selection and seed breeding 3
12702PLEVegetable selection and seed breeding 3
13702ECTFruit, berry selection and seed breeding 3
14702AQMPlant protection management 3
15702SQMGenetic resources of cultivated plants 3
16702WQMHarvest programming 3
17 Molecular biology 3
  Other program courses3 
3. Research work11 
1703RESResearch workshop 12 
2704RESResearch workshop 22 
3705MASMaster's thesis7 
Total credit hours249


Ecology and nature conservation  
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701МЕТResearch methodology2 
2701ERM Environmental research methodology2 
3701NCBConservation biology3 
4701EPMEnvironmental policy and management3 
2. Advanced courses39
1702POEPopulation ecology 3
2702WIEWildlife ecology and management 3
3702GISGeographic information system analysis 3
4702RMNNatural resource risk management 3
5702PRMManagement of grassland resources 3
6702CCAClimate change and adaptation 3
7702REERestoration ecology 3
8702DEEDendro-ecology 3
9702EBTEcological biotechnology 3
10702ERSEnvironmental monitoring 3
11702BGCBiogeochemistry  3
12702PLEPlant distribution and ecology 3
13702ECTEcotoxicology 3
14702AQMAir quality assessment and monitoring 3
15702SQMSoil quality assessment and monitoring 3
16702WQMWater quality assessment and monitoring 3
18 Other program courses3 
3. Research work11 
1703RESResearch workshop 12 
2704RESResearch workshop 22 
3705MASMaster's thesis7 
Total credit hours249


Climate engineering   
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701МЕТResearch methodology2 
2701METHNatural science research methodology2 
3701CCPClimate change and future trends3 
4701DYMDynamic climate3 
2. Advanced courses39
1702SRFNumerical weather forecast 3
2702NWPNumerical Weather Modeling 3
3702IMHEContemporary Issues in Climatology 3
4702CRMRegional Climate Modeling 3
5702CITTheory of Interflow 3
6702ATCTurbulent movement of the atmosphere 3
7702ATPAtmospheric exchange processes 3
8702TDMAdvances and development of modern technology in meteorological information services 3
9702HSMHydrodynamics and statistical modeling 3
10702AMMMathematical modeling of agroecosystems 3
11702ENREnvironmental monitoring 3
12702ENPEnvironmental Physics 3
13702GISGeographic information system analysis 3
14702PMMMathematical modeling of physical processes 3
15702AGMAgroclimate -II 3
16702AQCAtmospheric Chemistry 3
17702PRMPasture monitoring 3
18701CLPCloud physics 3
Other program courses3 
3. Research work11 
1703RESResearch workshop 12 
2704RESResearch workshop 22 
3705MASMaster's thesis7 
Total credit hours 249


Water basin management  
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701МЕТResearch methodology2 
2701METHNatural science research methodology2 
3701WRMIntegrated management of water resources3 
4701AHEAdvanced hydrological engineering calculations3 
2. Advanced courses39
1702IRMIntegrated river basin management 3
2702WPAAssessment and impact of water reservoir pollution 3
3702WRAAssessment of water resources 3
4702UWMUrban water management and planning 3
5702SWMModeling of soil water migration and movement 3
6702CCAClimate change and adaptation 3
7702WQMWater quality management 3
8702WLEWetland ecology 3
9702AWMAgricultural water management 3
10702GISGeographic information system analysis 3
11702EMREnvironmental monitoring 3
12702PWMPasture water conservation and irrigation 3
13702GWMModeling of groundwater 3
14702EFAEnvironmental Runoff Assessment 3
18 Other program courses3 
3. Research work11 
1703RESResearch workshop 12 
2704RESResearch workshop 22 
3705MASMaster's thesis7 
Total credit hours 249


Land mangement   
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701МЕТResearch methodology2 
2701LMDLand management research methodology
(Prerequisite: 701МЕТ)
3715LMDSustainable land management3 
4706LMDLegal relations of land 3 
2. Advanced courses39
1702VALTheory and methodology of land evaluation 3
2710LMDLand zoning planning 3
3714LMDLand economics and analysis 3
4703GISSpatial data infrastructure and analysis 3
5704ARSApplications of Remote Sensing 3
6716LMDAssessment of land suitability 3
7707LMDPasture planning 3
8709REMLand restoration and improvement 3
9718ENVWater resources and quality management 3
10709LMDLand condition monitoring 3
11704LMDTheory and methodology of urban planning 3
12702CCAClimate change and adaptation 3
13717SEMAssessment and monitoring of soil quality 3
14712LMDMining land management 3
15709GIMGreen infrastructure management 2
16702EPMEnvironmental policy management 3
Other program courses3 
3. Research work11 
1703RESResearch workshop 12 
2704RESResearch workshop 22 
3705MASMaster's thesis7 
Total credit hours 249


Environmental engineering  
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701MET Research methodology2 
2701ERM Environmental Research Methodology
(Prerequisite: 701МЕТ)
3701TSDSustainable development and Green theory
4701EPMEnvironmental policy and management3 
2. Advanced courses39
1702CCAAdaptation to climate change 3
2702ERSEnvironmental monitoring 3
3702NCBConservation biology 3
4702CLMClimate Action Management Project 3
5702MCLClimate Change Modeling and Simulation 3
6702ERERenewable Energy Engineering 3
7702GHGGreenhouse gas control and approach 3
8702WQMWater quality assessment and monitoring 3
9702AQMAir quality assessment and monitoring 3
10702USDUrban studies and planning 3
11702SWTSewage treatment system and sewage system 3
12702SQMAssessment and monitoring of soil quality 3
13702GIMGreen infrastructure management 3
14702REERestoration Ecology 3
15702ERAEnvironmental risk assessment and management 3
16702WTTWaste recycling technology 3
17702ECTEcotoxicology 3
18702EMSEnvironmental management system 3
Other program courses3 
3. Research work11 
1703RESResearch workshop 12 
2704RESResearch workshop 22 
3705MASMaster's thesis7 
Total credit hours 249