Research Master

#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701МЕТResearch methodology2
2701ERM Experimental methodology2
3701NCBPhysiology of crop adaptation3
4701EPMSustainable soil management3
2. Major courses39
1702POESmart agriculture3
2702WIEEcological crop rotation system and agrotechnology3
3702GISIrrigated agriculture technique and technology3
4702RMNSoil biology and ecology3
5702PRMSoil agrophysics3
6702CCAPlant fertilization system3
9702EBTAdvanced Biotechnology3
10702ERSAdvanced plant breeding technology3
11702BGCAdvanced crop selection and seed breeding3
12702PLEVegetable selection and seed breeding3
13702ECTFruit, berry selection and seed breeding3
14702AQMPlant protection management3
15702SQMGenetic resources of cultivated plants3
16702WQMHarvest programming3
17Molecular biology3
Other program courses3
3. Research work11
1703RESResearch workshop 12
2704RESResearch workshop 22
3705MASMaster's thesis7
Total credit hours249


Ecology and nature conservation
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701МЕТResearch methodology2
2701ERM Environmental research methodology2
3701NCBConservation biology3
4701EPMEnvironmental policy and management3
2. Advanced courses39
1702POEPopulation ecology3
2702WIEWildlife ecology and management3
3702GISGeographic information system analysis3
4702RMNNatural resource risk management3
5702PRMManagement of grassland resources3
6702CCAClimate change and adaptation3
7702REERestoration ecology3
9702EBTEcological biotechnology3
10702ERSEnvironmental monitoring3
11702BGCBiogeochemistry 3
12702PLEPlant distribution and ecology3
14702AQMAir quality assessment and monitoring3
15702SQMSoil quality assessment and monitoring3
16702WQMWater quality assessment and monitoring3
18Other program courses3
3. Research work11
1703RESResearch workshop 12
2704RESResearch workshop 22
3705MASMaster's thesis7
Total credit hours249


Climate engineering
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701МЕТResearch methodology2
2701METHNatural science research methodology2
3701CCPClimate change and future trends3
4701DYMDynamic climate3
2. Advanced courses39
1702SRFNumerical weather forecast3
2702NWPNumerical Weather Modeling3
3702IMHEContemporary Issues in Climatology3
4702CRMRegional Climate Modeling3
5702CITTheory of Interflow3
6702ATCTurbulent movement of the atmosphere3
7702ATPAtmospheric exchange processes3
8702TDMAdvances and development of modern technology in meteorological information services3
9702HSMHydrodynamics and statistical modeling3
10702AMMMathematical modeling of agroecosystems3
11702ENREnvironmental monitoring3
12702ENPEnvironmental Physics3
13702GISGeographic information system analysis3
14702PMMMathematical modeling of physical processes3
15702AGMAgroclimate -II3
16702AQCAtmospheric Chemistry3
17702PRMPasture monitoring3
18701CLPCloud physics3
Other program courses3
3. Research work11
1703RESResearch workshop 12
2704RESResearch workshop 22
3705MASMaster's thesis7
Total credit hours 249


Water basin management
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701МЕТResearch methodology2
2701METHNatural science research methodology2
3701WRMIntegrated management of water resources3
4701AHEAdvanced hydrological engineering calculations3
2. Advanced courses39
1702IRMIntegrated river basin management3
2702WPAAssessment and impact of water reservoir pollution3
3702WRAAssessment of water resources3
4702UWMUrban water management and planning3
5702SWMModeling of soil water migration and movement3
6702CCAClimate change and adaptation3
7702WQMWater quality management3
8702WLEWetland ecology3
9702AWMAgricultural water management3
10702GISGeographic information system analysis3
11702EMREnvironmental monitoring3
12702PWMPasture water conservation and irrigation3
13702GWMModeling of groundwater3
14702EFAEnvironmental Runoff Assessment3
18Other program courses3
3. Research work11
1703RESResearch workshop 12
2704RESResearch workshop 22
3705MASMaster's thesis7
Total credit hours 249


Land mangement
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701МЕТResearch methodology2
2701LMDLand management research methodology
(Prerequisite: 701МЕТ)
3715LMDSustainable land management3
4706LMDLegal relations of land 3
2. Advanced courses39
1702VALTheory and methodology of land evaluation3
2710LMDLand zoning planning3
3714LMDLand economics and analysis3
4703GISSpatial data infrastructure and analysis3
5704ARSApplications of Remote Sensing3
6716LMDAssessment of land suitability3
7707LMDPasture planning3
8709REMLand restoration and improvement3
9718ENVWater resources and quality management3
10709LMDLand condition monitoring3
11704LMDTheory and methodology of urban planning3
12702CCAClimate change and adaptation3
13717SEMAssessment and monitoring of soil quality3
14712LMDMining land management3
15709GIMGreen infrastructure management2
16702EPMEnvironmental policy management3
Other program courses3
3. Research work11
1703RESResearch workshop 12
2704RESResearch workshop 22
3705MASMaster's thesis7
Total credit hours 249


Environmental engineering
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses100
1701MET Research methodology2
2701ERM Environmental Research Methodology
(Prerequisite: 701МЕТ)
3701TSDBasis of sustainable development3
4701EPMEnvironmental policy and management3
2. Advanced courses39
1702CCAAdaptation to climate change3
2702ERSEnvironmental monitoring3
3702NCBConservation biology3
4702CLMClimate Action Management Project3
5702MCLModeling to estimate climate change3
6702ERERenewable Energy Engineering3
7702GHGGreenhouse gas control and approach3
8702WQMWater quality assessment and monitoring3
9702AQMAir quality assessment and monitoring3
10702USDUrban studies and planning3
11702SWTSewage treatment system and sewage system3
12702SQMAssessment and monitoring of soil quality3
13702GIMGreen infrastructure management3
14702REERestoration Ecology3
15702ERAEnvironmental risk assessment and management3
16702WTTWaste processing technology3
18702EMSEnvironmental management system3
Other program courses3
3. Research work11
1703RESResearch workshop 12
2704RESResearch workshop 22
3705MASMaster's thesis7
Total credit hours 249