Climate engineering

Climate engineering
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElectivePrerequisitesSemester
1. Foundational courses343  
1HTM105Mongolian history, culture and customs 3  I, II,IV,V
2MON106Mongolian grammar and composition 3  I, II,IV,V
3HUD103Human development, communication ethics and Legislation 3  I, II,IV,V
4PHY107Physics3  I, II
5OPH105Optical Physics3 PHY107, MET251IV,V
6ENG101English I3  IV,V
7ENG201Professional English3 ENG101IV,V
8MAT103Engineering Mathematics I3  I
9ITS111Information technology and systems3 MAT103II
10PHC101Physical education and hygiene  3  I, II,IV,V
11THC104History and culture of mindset 3  V
12  HC102Disaster management1  II
13ECO101Ecological and environmental protection  3 I, II,IV,V
14ITS111Environmental Chemistry 3ECO101 I, II,IV,V
15MAT104Engineering Mathematics II   I, II,IV,V
16MGT201Physical geography 3 I, II,IV,V
17ENG201Professional English 3ENG101, ENG102I, II,IV,V
18ECT101Economic theory 3 I, II,IV,V
2. Core major courses306  
1MET251General climatology I3 PHY107, OPH105V
2MET252General climatology II3 PHY107, OPH105, MET251I
3MTE253Meteorological instruments and measurement technology6 MET251, MET252II
4AMT254Agricultural climatology and technology6 MET251, MET252IV
5GCL255General climatology3  I
6BOT103Botany3  V
7MTP256Practice of meteorological instruments and measuring technology3 MET251, MET252, MTE253V
8BAP257Botany and agricultural climatology practical training3  MET251, MET252, AMT254, BOT103V
9AST259Astronomy  3PHY107, OPH105I, II,IV,V
10MCL260Microclimate 3GCL255I, II,IV,V
11OCS261Occupational Safety 3MTE253I, II,IV,V
12AGT216Fundamentals of Agriculture Technology* 3 I, II,IV,V
13SSC201Soil science 3 I, II,IV,V
14GEO104Physical geography of Mongolia 3  
3. Advanced major courses429  
1ELM351Measurement using electronic instruments3 MET251, MET252, MTE253IV
2AER352Aerology3 MET251, MET252I
3MED353Automated processing and checking of meteorological data6 MET251, MET252, MTE253V
4CLD354Climate data processing 3 MET251, MET252, MTE253IV
5AME355Meteorology for Aviation3 MET251, MET252II
6SYN356Synoptic meteorology3 MET251, MET252, AER352II
7GIS202Geographic information system3  I
8HYD361Water measurement 3  I
9PRA310Internship3 MTP256, BAP257V
10GRO321Final exam /work/3  V
11AOD357Agricultural meteorological database, forecast 3 AMT254II
12SYA358Automated processing of synoptic reports3 SYN356I
13SYP359Practice of synoptic meteorology3 SYN356II
14WEF360Weather forecast 3SYN356I, II,IV,V
15ACL362Agro climate 3GCL255I, II,IV,V
16FIS363Information service efficiency 3MET251, MET252I, II,IV,V
17ATC364Atmospheric circulation  3SYN306I, II,IV,V
18EMR365Examination and instructions 3MET251, MET252, MTE253I, II,IV,V
19CSE367Atmospheric manipulation 3SYN356I, II,IV,V
20MAM368Mathematical modeling 3MET251, MET252, PHY107I, II,IV,V
21CEL369Livestock meteorology 3AMT254I, II,IV,V
22BCL370Bioclimate 3GCL255I, II,IV,V
23RSE316Monitoring 3 I, II,IV,V
24ENO320Contemporary observations 3 I, II,IV,V
Total credit hours10618 124