Coursework Master

Coursework Master programs:

Ecology and nature conservation
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses103
1701МЕТResearch methodology2
2701 NCBConservation biology3
3701EPMEnvironmental policy and management3
4701SOESoil protection2
5701ENPSettlement ecology3
6701HUEHuman ecology3
2. Advanced courses715
1702POEPopulation ecology3
2702WIEWildlife ecology and management3
3702GISGeographic information system analysis3
4702RMNNatural resource risk management3
5702PRMManagement of grassland resources3
6702CCAClimate change and adaptation3
7702REERestoration ecology3
9702EBTEcological biotechnology3
10702ERSEnvironmental monitoring3
11702BGCBiogeochemistry 3
12702PLEPlant distribution and ecology3
15Other program courses3
16Applied Practical Course4
Total credit hours1718


Climate engineering
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses103
1701МЕТResearch methodology2
2701DYMDynamic climate3
3701CITTheory of Interflow2
4701CCPClimate change and future trends3
5701SRFUltra short term forecast3
6701CLPCloud physics3
2. Advanced courses715
1702CRMRegional climate modeling3
2702AMMMathematical modeling of agroecosystems3
3702SRFWeather forecast3
4702NWPNumerical Weather Modeling3
5702TDMAdvances and development of modern technology in meteorological information services3
6702ATCTurbulent movement of the atmosphere3
7702ATPAtmospheric exchange processes3
8702HSMHydrodynamics and statistical modeling3
9702ENREnvironmental monitoring3
10702ENPEnvironmental Physics3
11702GISGeographic information system analysis3
12702PMMMathematical modeling of physical processes3
13702AGMAgroclimate -II3
14702AQCAtmospheric Chemistry3
15702PRMPasture monitoring3
16702MERClimate radar3
15Other program courses3
16Applied Practical Course4
Total credit hours 1718


Water basin management
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses103
1701МЕТResearch methodology2
2701WRMIntegrated management of water resources3
3701AHEAdvanced hydrological engineering calculations3
4701WCPWater circulation process and metrology2
5701MIMModern trends in melioration3
6701SWMManagement of mineral water resources3
2. Advanced courses715
1702IRMIntegrated River Basin Management3
2702WPAAssessment and impact of water reservoir pollution3
3702WRAAssessment of water resources3
4702UWMUrban water management and planning3
5702SWMModeling of soil water migration and movement3
6702CCAClimate change and adaptation3
7702WQMWater quality management3
8702AWMAgricultural water management3
9702GISGeographic information system analysis3
10702RASEnvironmental monitoring3
11702PWMPastureland water management3
12702WLEWetland ecology3
13702IGMIrrigation management3
14702GWMModeling of groundwater3
15702EFAEnvironmental Runoff Assessment3
16702SWMPAppropriate use of surface water3
17702SWBSurface water risks and water boundaries3
15Other program courses3
16Applied Practical Course4
Total credit hours 1718


Land management
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses103
1701МЕТResearch methodology2
2715LMDSustainable land management3
3706LMDLegal relations of land3
4703LMDTheory and methodology of land management planning2
5708LMDLand fund registration and census3
6720LMDLand management in foreign countries3
2. Advanced courses715
1702VALTheory and methodology of land evaluation3
2710LMDLand zoning and planning3
3714LMDLand economics and analysis3
4703GISSpatial data infrastructure and analysis3
5704ARSApplications of Remote Sensing3
6716LMDAssessment of land suitability3
7LMD707Pasture land planning3
8REM709Land restoration and improvement3
9ENV718Water resources and quality management3
10LMD709Land condition monitoring3
11LMD704Theory and methodology of urban planning3
12702CCAClimate change and adaptation3
13SEM717Assessment and monitoring of soil quality3
14LMD712Mining land management3
15GIM709Green infrastructure management3
16EPM702Environmental policy management3
17Other program courses3
18Applied Practical Course4
Total credit hours 1718



Business administration
#Course codeCourse nameMandatoryElective
1. Graduate foundation courses
1METH700Research methodology2 
2BCM701Business relationship3 
3AEC700Advanced Economics3 
4STA701Advanced Econometrics3 
5BLD700Business leadership 3
6OGE700Corporate governance and ethics 3
Graduate foundation courses112
2. Advanced courses
1MGT701Business policy and strategic management 3
2MGT702Risk management 3
3MGT703Corporate governance and social responsibility 3
4MGT704Productivity management 3
5MGT705Human resource management II 3
6MGT706Advanced Business Administration I 3
7MGT707Supply chain management 3
8MGT708Organizational Behavior II 3
9MGT709International Business Strategy 3
10MGT710Quantitative methods of managerial decision-making 3
11MGT711Modern trends in production management 3
12MGT712A new management paradigm 3
13MGT713Advanced Financial statement analysis 3
14MGT714Advanced Marketing Management 3
15MGT715Brand strategy 3
16MGT716Consumer Behavior Research I 3
17MGT717Tax policy 3
18MGT718Public finance 3
19MGT719Cost benefit analysis 3
20MGT720Environmental Economics and Resource Valuation 3
21MGT721Economic applications of game theory I 3
22MGT722A dynamic model of general economic equilibrium 3
23 Other program courses3 
Major courses315
1 Applied Practical Course4 
Total credit hours 1817