DOMANI project: Capacity building in the field of higher education ERASMUS+
School of Agroecology and Business, Mongolian University of Life Sciences, started participating in another Erasmus+ project called DOMANI to establish Green Micro-Credentials. The project is supported and coordinated by Estonian University of Life Sciences and involves 11 other partners.
The project runs from November 1, 2024, to October 31, 2027. It is coordinated and led by Kristina Marran, the director of the Open University, with Anton Shkaruba who is vice-coordinator and working in EMU as Senior Researcher in Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management.
As a result of the project, 91 ECTS-worth of courses have been developed to support the green economy. The main thematic areas of these courses include:
1) Biodiversity conservation and management of biological resources,
2) Pollution prevention, control and remediation,
3) Green planning and management tools and instruments,
4) Financial and economic instruments for green development,
5) Observation, information and communication for green development,
6) Improve water use and protection.
The project aims to foster green economic development in participating universities and proposes regulatory changes in Mongolia and Ukraine to support the implementation of micro-degrees. These micro-degrees will create more flexible learning opportunities in Ukraine and Mongolia and contribute to the post-war recovery of Ukraine's labor market and environment.
The Domani project supports European Union priorities such as the European Green Deal, digital transformation, distance learning, and sustainable economic growth. It also facilitates the creation of new jobs through business-oriented skill development.
Grant nr: 101179859
1. Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU), Estonia
2. University of Catania (UNICT), Italy
3. Education and Youth Board (HARNO), Estonia
4. Systems Innovation Center Kft. (CSI), Hungary
5. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TSNUK) Ukraine
6. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, (KKNU) Ukraine
7. Non-Government Organization "Ukrainian Joint Meteorological and Hydrological Society“ (UMHS) Ukraine
8. National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance, (NAQA) Ukraine
9. National University of Mongolia (NUM) Mongolia
10. School of Agroecology and Business, Institute of Plant and Agricultural Sciences of Mongolian University of Life Science (SAEB) Mongolia
11. Mongolian National Council for Education Quality Accreditation, (MNCEA) Mongolia
12. Environmental Auditing Association of Mongolia (EAAM)
Project coordinator and project manager:
Kristina Marran
Head of Open University (EMU)
Ph: +372 51 88 937
Anton Shkaruba
Senior Researcher in Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (EMU)
Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management